So the emphases of this article is to design the orientation mechanism of the performance appraisal for university teacher and exert its orientation function to the teachers. 因此,构建科学合理的大学教师绩效考评导向机制,入而施铺绩效考评对于大学教师的导向作用成为本文研讨的重点。
Realizing Spindle Random Location Orientation Function Using FANUC NC System 用FANUC数控系统实现主轴任意位置的定向功能
The Developing 4th Group of Urban Planning: Discussion of Orientation and Function of Urban Planning& Research Centre 发展中的城市规划第四支队伍&城市规划编制研究中心定位和职能探讨
Expanding the Orientation Function of Campus Culture of College Library at Network Age 网络时代高校图书馆的校园文化导向功能拓展
The collection method of original data, the analysis principle and the figures explanation about orientation distribution function ( ODF) were introduced from application point of view. 从应用角度介绍了取向分布函数(ODF)分析的原始数据采集方法、分析原理和图谱解释方法。
The Strategic Orientation and Function of Xinjiang in Westward Opening of China in the New Period 新时期新疆在中国向西开放中的战略定位与作用
Orientation and Function Mode of Community Health Center in Health Control and Prevention A different kind of safety became CDC's responsibility in 1973. 社康中心在疾病预防控制工作中的定位与运作方式1973年,美国国家疾病控制中心又承担了另外一项保安工作。
To Study on the Orientation and Function of Non-Profit Scientific Research Organizations in Science and Technology Innovating System 非营利科研机构在科技创新体系中的定位与作用研究
Objective To establish a method for detecting cognitive characteristics of flight orientation in pilots, so as to provide basis for improving their spatial orientation function. 目的寻求飞行定向认知特征的检测方法,预测飞行员的空间认知水平。
Spatial orientation function of whisker in sicw/ al Composites SiCw/Al复合材料中SiCw的空间取向函数
What's the value orientation and function of university institutions? 大学制序在大学的存在和发展中有什么样的价值取向和功能?
F_c, f_ ( am)& the crystalline and amorphous regious orientation function of the sample. fc,f(am)&试样的晶区和非晶区取向因素;
Application of the two-phase sonic modulus theory in determining the change of amorphous orientation function f_ ( am) in fibres 根据两相声速模量理论测定纤维非晶区取向因素f(am)的变化
Orientation function is one of the foundation in modern editorial jobs because it is related to the issue of political orientation. 在现代编辑工作中,导向功能是根本,因为它关系到为什么人服务的问题;
In this paper, we described particularly the method that PLC controls stepping motor to accomplish orientation function in NC system, which new type PLC being able to output high-speed pulses that can avoid PLC scan cycle impacting validly, drives stepping motor to finish orientation. 详述了用PLC控制步进电机实现数控系统的定位控制功能的方法,新型PLC的高速脉冲输出功能有效地避免了扫描周期的影响,完成快速移动和精密定位。
The orientation distribution function was also deduced. 此外,还推导了其取向分布函数值。
To make use of the supervision and orientation function of public sense of morality; 发挥舆论的监督和导向作用;
Fractal dimension, combined with compactness and roughness which are related to pore shape, and fiber orientation function, is found to be capable of express the irregular morphologic structures of nonwovens in the round. 同时结合反映孔隙形状的紧密度和粗糙度等参数,以及反映纤维状态的纤维取向分布函数来比较全面地表征非织造材料不规则性的形态结构。
RESULTS: The television programs have three main functions for children: education function ( or learning function, orientation function), information function and entertainment function. 结果:对于儿童来说,电视主要具有三大功能,即信息功能、教育功能和娱乐功能。
A fiber orientation function and second order fiber orientation tensors are used to represent the fiber orientation state of the short fiber reinforced composites with planar or three dimensional aligned short fiber. 针对注塑短纤维增强复合材料中纤维取向多呈现平面取向并有三维取向的问题,采用纤维取向分布函数及纤维取向张量对纤维的取向状态进行描述;
The texture of tapes was studied using Orientation Distribution Function ( ODF) and φ-scans. 用三维取向分布函数(ODF)和φ扫描曲线研究了织构,用金相显微镜研究了截面显微组织。
The second, it explained the system structure that the MES adopted, this structure included information model, function model and the interconnected blueprints of relevant information systems and regular system, and expounded its orientation and function. 其次,阐述了攀钢冷轧厂制造执行系统采用的体系结构,它包括信息模型、功能模型以及相关信息系统的互联的蓝图和规则体系,阐明了该系统在攀钢信息化的地位和作用。
Then made a voluntary role in the ideological and political education problems, mainly for the lack of effective incentive function, educating people is ineffective, lack of adequate orientation function, demonstration is not functioning. 然后提出了志愿服务在大学生思想政治教育作用中存在的问题,主要表现为缺少有效的激励功能、育人效果欠佳、缺乏充足的导向功能、示范功能发挥不够。
The analytical solution for the satellite carrier phase double difference equations between different compositions can realize the orientation function. 4. 然后对由不同的卫星之间构成的双差载波相位方程的解析解取交集,从而完成定向功能。
It is one important of the paper. According to different angles, the interest orientation function of ideological and political education can be divided into different types. 这是文章的重点之一,思想政治教育的利益导向功能的表现按照不同的角度可以划分为不同的类型。
That is "why to orientate". Chapter ⅱ discusses the performance of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education. 第二部分,思想政治教育的利益导向功能的表现。
Finally, the system verified the results of the research results in this article. In addition, we summed up the fault module of SDH network management system to optimize the orientation function. 最后系统的运行结果验证了本文的研究成果,此外,还总结了SDH网管系统告警模块功能的优化方向。
The paper is composed by the four chapters: Chapter ⅰ discusses the connotation of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education and its function generation. 本文分为4个部分,对思想政治教育的利益导向功能进行深入探究:第一部分,思想政治教育的利益导向功能的内涵及其生成依据。
The second part analyses the function orientation and function innovation of the platform. 第二章,对研发公共服务平台的定位及功能进行分析。
In order to fully express the orientation function of enterprise performance appraisal, the basic idea of appraisal must be built. 企业绩效评价理念是发挥评价导向的前提,为充分发挥企业绩效评价的导向功能,必须确立评价的基本理念。